Reflections on Graduation Day

Worth it?

There have certainly been times I’ve wondered why I should have bothered with EC. Did it make enough of a difference? Out of diapers at 1 would have been impressive, but 2? Not bad, but not amazing.

NOTE: for best results, do not get pregnant before the first baby turns one.

Still, I’m relieved to be finished with this particular parenting chore and I have to say, I do feel like I did a lot of the hardest work – introducing the potty as a concept and letting him get comfortable using it – before he was a contrary toddler. Now that he is one, we rarely fight over pottying because he’s on the same page as me.

I have dealt a fraction of the poopy diapers I would have without EC.  Pooping once a day since solids started at 5 months – that’s something like 580 potential poopy diapers to change and scrape off the bum. It probably averaged out to twice a week that I had to change a poopy diaper (though it was seasonal; there were some periods of no misses for a month and some periods of daily bad post nap surprises).  Do that math, and I probably changed in the traditional way about 160 diapers. The balance of poops I flushed easily down the toilet.

This is the best reason I can think of to pick up baby girl, like I’ve done daily this past week, and hold her over the sink saying “shhhhh, shhhhh, shhhh…”

Round two begins…

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